12 Mar Objects found by Macalister:
Plate XIX
Move your cursor over one of the objects Macalister found during his excavations on the Hill of Uisneach. Click the object to read his description. (Macalister, R. A. S., and R. Lloyd Praeger. “Report on the Excavation of Uisneach.” Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, vol. 38, Royal Irish Academy, 1928, Pl. XIX.)

Butt-end of a flat spade.

Butt-end of a flat spade of the “loy” type, with a broad flat socket formed by turning up the corners. Present length 7¼", breadth 4⅝''. Found in the "grave" in the Eastern House.
Tanged knife.

Tanged knife, tip broken off; length 6⅛".
Knife, the tang bent.

Knife, the tang bent so as to form a loop with the lower part of the blade. Length 4¾". From the "grave" in the Eastern House.
Tanged knife.

Tanged knife, 4" long.
Tanged knife.

Tanged knife, 3¾" long. Also another, same size.
Tang and half the blade of a knife.

Tang and half the blade of a knife, 2⅞" long.
Pin of a fibula.

Pin of a fibula, hooked at one end, broad and flat at the other. Length 2¾".
Flat rectangular bar.

Flat rectangular bar, bent at right angles at one end, looped at the other. Part of a door-hinge (?). Length 9½'', breadth ⅞".
Fragment of a spur.

Fragment of a spur, the heel-piece 2¾'' across, the prick 1" long.

Horseshoe, retaining two nails, 3¾'' long, 4¼'' across; breadth of metal 1⅛''.

A lamina, bent into a channel and curved; perhaps the turned-over lip of a bronze vessel. Length of chord, 2¼".
Fragment of a holdfast.

Fragment of a 0-shaped holdfast, 3" long.
Penannular brooch

A penannular brooch with small expansions ornamented with sinkings on the side not shewn in the drawing : the pin lost. Found in the filling of the Inner Ditch. Diameter 1".
Tanged knife.

Tanged knife, 3¼" long, the tip broken off.
Two Sword Scabbards.

Fragments of the upper ends of two sword-scabbards, along with portions of the wooden handle of a sword. Much corroded. The mouth of the scabbard is formed in each case with a wire, bent to shape, round which are lapped the ends of the iron plates forming the scabbard sides. Found in chamber “d” of the Eastern House."
Iron Spearhead.

Socket-end of an iron spearhead; found in the Central Section. Length 3¾".

Bar tapering at both ends from a section ¼" square in the middle. Bent at both ends into a hook, in planes at right angles to each other. Found in the tumulus on Mweelra townland.
Limestone Disc.

A four sided disc of limestone, ½'' thick, and 2¼" X 1½'': on one side a sinking, through the bottom of which two holes are drilled, countersunk on the side with the sinking. This object is perhaps modern.
Nodule of Limestone.

A conical hollow nodule of limestone, resembling a crucible, which seems to have been used for this purpose. Height 1⅞''.
Rod, with knob on tip.

Rod, square in section, tapering, with a small knob on the tip; bent into a hook. Broad end fractured. Present length 1¾".
Hook-bent Bar.

A similar object to the hook above, of smaller size : one of the hooks broken off. Length 2⅝''.
Curved Bar.

Curved bar, cylindrical in section, length of chord 3⅞".