85Carew, Mairéad. Tara and the Ark of the Covenant: A Search for the Ark of the Covenant by British Israelites on the Hill of Tara (1899-1902). Dublin: Discovery Programme/Royal Irish Academy, 2003, p. 68.

Today we would consider the British Israelites to be white supremacists. Carew writes, "In identifying themselves with the Lost Tribes of Israel, they had come to the conclusion that the white race was 'inherently superior.'" (p. 14)

According to an 1882 article in The Irish Monthly, the British Israelites had no particularly fondness for the Irish: "Whatever benefits, however, they [the British Israelties] anticipate from the discovery...the Irishman is rigorously to be excluded from all participation in them. On inquiring of an enthusiastic believer, a short time since, what part or lot was to fall to the Irishman in the general rush eastward, the writer was curtly informed, 'nothing at all, the Irish having been proved to be descended from the Canaanites.'" (Ames, F.S.D. "An Old Stone. The Irish Monthly, vol. 10, no. 103, Jan, 1882, pp. 18-19.)