71Harbison, Peter. The Archeology of Ireland. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1976, pp. 62-3.

There was other, very similar, misperceptions. In 1867 Marcu Keane attempted to prove that that the same people inhabited Iran and Ireland because Ireland or Irin means "Sacred island" and Iran (in "Pehlivi") means the "Sacred land." Keane wrote:
"From these notices I conclude, that the original Cuthic or Scythic region was so called (Iran the Sacred Country) from the Ark having rested upon its mountain, as well as from its reputation as the site of Paradise; and that when some of the Cuthite Sycthians emigrated to Ireland, they brought with them the same of Iran, -- only changing it to Irin to express the insular character of their new settlement." (Keane, Marcu. The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland. Dublin:Hodges, Smith and Co., 1867, p. 236.)

As Mairéad Carew wrote: "For late nineteenth-century British-Israelites the Holy Land was the British Empire represented by its spiritual capital, Tara, the 'transplanted Jerusalem.'" (Carew, Mairéad. Tara and the Ark of the Covenant: A Search for the Ark of the Covenant by British Israelites on the Hill of Tara (1899-1902). Dublin: Discovery Programme/Royal Irish Academy, 2003, p. 20.)

According to Carew, there may have been earlier treasure hunters disturbing other monuments on the Hill of Tara. She reports a large hole dug into the central mound of Raith Grainne (Carew may actually have been referring to the hole dug into the Northern Clóenfherta). There were also holes dug into the mounds of Dall and Dorcha. (p. 109)