58Petrie, George. "On the History and Antiquities of Tara Hill." The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 18, 1839, pp. 139-40.

Petrie on the Rath of the Synods: "The site of Pupall Adamnain pavilion or tent of Adamnan is in this Rath and his Adamnan's Cross is opposite the fort to the east and his Seat and his Mound are to the south of the cross The Monument of Maine the son of Muinreamhar lies to the east of Rath na Riogh The ruins of the house which was burned over Benen the boy of Patrick and Lucad Mael the druid of Laoghaire are a short distance to the south east of Cros Adamnain that is at the side of the Rath to the north There are three small stones at the side of Rath na Seanadh to the north These three stones were placed over the druids who were named Mael Blocc and Bluicni Mael to the east Blocc to the south and Bluicni to the north."

Macalister offers a different tradition to explain the origin of the site: "It is possible that it is to be equated to Mur nOlloman, "The Scholar's Wall," said to have been built for the accommodation of the Assembly of Tara, by the legendary King Ollom Fodla, to whom the institution of the Assembly is ascribed. This building, whatever it may have been, is not mentioned in Dinshenchas, though other historians speak of it as though it were well known. It must have been a building, for Ollom Fodla is said to have died within it: and the existence of such a tradition is no less a proof of the existence of the structure to which it was attached, even though there be no certainty that Ollom Fodla ever had an existence outside of legend. In Petrie's time...the mound was locally known as 'The King's Chair' ­a name which is suggestive of a traditional memory of assemblies having been held here. If this were so, it would have been natural to have chosen this structure as a meet­ing-place for important conventions." (Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart. Tara, a Pagan Sanctuary of Ancient Ireland, New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1931, pp. 39-43.)