130"Ráith Laoghaire, Tara" 3D Icons Ireland, The Discovery Programme, Et. Al., www.3dicons.ie/3d-content/7-raith-loegaire-tara.
The information sign at the entrance to the site mentions both a defensive and a ritual use: " The site's substantial defences and its commanding views of the surrounding landscape suggest a strategic purpose. A large fosse runs inside the ramparts, however, which suggests that the enclosure had a ritual rather than a defensive character, perhaps being a henge monument."
Conor Newman emphasizes its defensive character: "The enclosure is defined by a CT-sectioned fosse...with traces of an internal bank surviving in the southwestern quadrant. The identification of this latter feature...is of considerable importance because it indicates that the monument is bivallate, with closely set ramparts, and therefore may have defensive characteristics." (Newman, Conor. Tara: An Archaeological Survey. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy for the Discovery Programme, 1997, p. 49.)