23Ó Crualaoich, Gearóid. The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise-woman Healer. Cork: Cork UP, 2003. 109.
The author quotes from a story told by a woman in Co. Mayo in 1941: "Isn't it a great wonder how a child isn't able to walk as soon as it's born, along with every other kind of young. Not to compare a child to a calf or a lamb, but neither' of these is born more than an hour, before it's able to walk and the child will be two years of age before it's able to put a foot under itself. They say that it is Cailleach Bhearra who is responsible for that. At a time that a certain child was born - but I don't know which child - she put her hand to the small of his back and that left children, ever after, unable to walk quickly, when they have come into the world. Cailleach Bhearra left that handicap on them."