16J.R. "Review of "The Massacre at Smerwick." Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 27.108 (1938): 690-92.
Another similar account is from a letter from Captain Bingham: "The bande which had the warde of that day, which was Mr. Denny's, then entered [the fort], but in the meantime there were also entered a number of mariners upon the part next to the sea, which with the soldiers aforesaid, having possessed the place, fell to spoiling and reveling and withal to killing, in which they never ceased while there lived one." {Bingham to Lane, from Smerwick Roades, 11th November, 1580."—"Cotton MSS.," Titus A., xii. 313, Brit. Museum.) Cited in: Hickson, Mary A. "Historic Truth and Sham Legends." The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Fifth 8.1 (1898): 65-66.