1Maley, Willy. "Something Quite Atrocious: English Colonialism Beyond the Pale and the Licence to Violence." Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies 3 (2009): 82-83.Review of: Edwards, David, Pádraig Lenihan, and Clodagh Tait. Age of Atrocity: Violence and Political Conflict in Early Modern Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: Four Courts, 2007.
The quote is from Thomas Churchyard, A General Rehearsall of Warres (1579), wherein he explains the strategy of Sir Humphrey Gilbert in Ireland. The entire quote follows:
"He further tooke this order infringeble, that when soeuer he made any ostyng, or inrode, into the enemies Countrey, he killed manne, woman, and child, and spoiled, wasted, and burned, by the grounde all that he might: leauyng nothyng of the enemies in saffetie, whiche he could possiblie waste, or consume. And these were his reasons that perswaded hym thereto, as I haue often heard hym saie. Firste the men of warre could not bee maintained, without their Churles, and Calliackes, or women, who milked their Creates, and prouided their victualles, and other necessaries. So that the killyng of theim by the sworde, was the waie to kill the menne of warre by famine, who by flight oftentymes saued them selues from the dinte of the sworde."