7Zucchelli, Christine. Stones of Adoration Sacred Stones and Mystic Megaliths of Ireland. Doughcloyne, Wilton, Cork: Collins, 2007. 126.
Does the continuing practice cause undue wear on the ancient monument? According to Claire Foley of the Northern Ireland Environment Service, "We wouldn't discourage the wear because the symbolic use of the stone is very important." (An Irishwoman's Diary. The Irish Times. 12 February 1996. Quoted in "Spoil Heap," Archaeology Ireland, 10:1 (Spring, 1996) 36.
While researching the Doagh site in July of 2011 I found, in the Wikipedia entry for the town of Doagh, the following purported story of the Holestone: "There is a legend regarding a black horse that inhabits the field in which the holestone is situated. According to this legend a young couple were married at the stone, but the groom committed an act of adultery on their wedding night. For this act he was cursed by the stone to spend eternity as a horse, never dying, and never able to leave that field." Because I did not hear this story when I was doing the media fieldwork in Doagh, and because I've not seen this story repeated elsewhere, I sent an email query to the local town council. On August 4th I received this response: "I have asked various members of our local Historical Society and farmers who live in the area around the Holestone and no-one has heard this story. Good luck with your research. (signed) Lindy Reid (Secretary Ballyclare & District Historical Society)." I subsequently edited the Wikipedia page to delete the ersatz bit of folklore lest it be repeated enough to eventually become bound into the authentic lore of the site.