38Moore, Sam. "The Carrowkeel Passage Tomb Complex, Co. Sligo People and a Pre-monumental Landscape." Proc. of Association of Young Irish Archaeologists 2003, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <http://www.academia.edu/1601616/_The_Carrowkeel_Passage_Tomb_Complex_Co._Sligo_people_and_a_pre-monumental_landscape_Association_of_Young_Irish_Archaeologists_Conference_Papers_2003_UCC_Cork_2003>.
The phrase "'ideological communication' is from Bergh, Stefan. Landscape of the Monuments: a study of the passage tombs in the Cuil Irra region, Co. Sligo. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbet Arkeologska Undersöknigar, 1995. 162.