1Wood-Martin, W. G. Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland. Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. 1902. 351-52.
2Johnson, Harold. "The Giant's Grave." Personal interview. 30 June 1998.
Wood-Martin recounts a similar story of a megalithic tomb's origin as the grave of a giant who lost a battle: "Popular tradition asserts that a " giant's grave" in the townland of Lickerstown, county Kilkenny, about 25 feet long and 12 broad, had been erected over "Ceadach the Great." The legend, preserved in the locality, which accounts for the death and burial of the giant, relates that he had quarreled with another Irish Goliath, named Goll, and they chose this spot to decide their difference in single combat. Two of Goll's friends accompanied him to the ground, but Ceadach came alone, mounted on an enchanted horse, by means of which he traversed space instantaneously. A tree is shown marking the spot where the wonderful animal stood whilst the champions fought on foot. After a prolonged and desperate encounter Ceadach was victorious; but Goll, in a dying effort, pierced him through the heart with his spear, upon which the magical horse flew away through the air to his master's palace, conveying the news of his fall. On one of the rocks forming the monument indentations were pointed out, the imprints made by Ceadach as he fell. Goll's body was removed by his two friends, but Ceadach's was interred upon the spot." (Wood-Martin, W. G. Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland. Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. 1902. 351-52.)
3Weir, Anthony. "County Cavan - Selected Monuments." Gazetteer of Irish Prehistoric Monuments. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. <http://www.irishmegaliths.org.uk/cavan.htm>.
4De Valera, Ruaidhrí, and Seán Ó.Nualláin. Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland. Vol. III, Counties Galway-Roscommon-Leitrim-Longford-Westmeath-Laoighis-Offaly-Kildare-Caven. Dublin: Stationery Office, 1972. 106-108.
Of the gap at the bottom of the septal stone, the survey authors wrote: "Its edges are flaked but it is not clear whether this is a contrived feature or a fortuitous break along the edge of the stone."
6Frankcom, G., and J.H. Musgrave. The Irish Giant. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., 1976. 9-10.
According to Prof. John Waddell, giants have a particular position in Irish tradition: "In many primitive mythologies giants appear to provide an anthropological explanation for the forces of nature, but in Judaeo-Christian thinking they represent the evil result of the abandonment of the law of God. In Irish tradition, however, disparity in size is a sign of belonging to a former age or to another world. It may well be that in early medieval Ireland some megalithic and pagan monuments were seen as the burial places of giants and some may have produced bones that would have seemed to prove the case." (Waddell, John. Foundation Myths: The Beginnings of Irish Archaeology. Bray, Co. Wicklow: Wordwell, 2005. 11.)
7Otway, Caesar. Sketches in Erris and Tyrawly, Illustrative of the Scenery, Antiquities, Architectural Remains, and the Manners and Superstitions of the Irish Peasantry. Dublin: T. Connolly, 1850. 38.
Otway continues, comparing the ancient Irish builders of the megalithic monuments with the prehistoric Native Americans: "They were unaccountably exterminated by a far inferior people, just as the existing races of American red men have destroyed the more intelligent people that flourished before them, and who have left incontestable traces of their existence in the remains of their arms and their buildings, as now found along the Ohio, and in other central parts of the North American continent. In the same way the Tuatha Danaan have here left the cromleachs, the giants' graves, the stone circles, the doons and cassiols, the Cyclopean walls, and the crypts and covered caves, that are to be found under our moats, and raths, and cairns."
9Daniel, Glyn. Megaliths in History. London: Thames and Hudson, 1972. 16-18.
According to another source, the monument from which the giant was briefly resurrected was "a cromlech of Fintona." The giant was identified as a "swinherd to King Laogaire." (Bonwick, James. Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions. London: Griffith, Farran & Co., 1894. 218.)
10Wood-Martin 25.