14A sign posted in several places along the route of the procession (turas) instructs the pilgrim:
- Stations are marked No. 1 - No. 10.
- Stations No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 - you go to these stations twice (2), Station No. 5, you go to this station four (4) times. Stations No. 6, 7, 8 and 9, you go to these stations only once.
- When finished with station No. 9, proceed to station No. 10 which is the Holy Well. This is where the signs shows (Holy Well) on the roadway as you approached.
- The Prayers recited at each station are seven (7) Our Fathers, seven (7) Holy Marys and seven (7) Glorys.
- Stations No. 1 to 4 when walking around the mound say (I believe in God.). When you commence on No. 5 and when walking around the old ruin you say one decad of the rosary each time you go around.
- When finished with No. 9 you proceed to the Holy Well then say the fifth decad of the rosary.
A mid-nineteenth century observer noted three trees growing inside St. Gobnait's House which were stripped of their bark every year "for purposes best known to the people." The trees are now gone (as might be expected) and this practice is largely forgotten. (Windele, John. Topography Co. Cork, W and N.E. 1830s-50s. MS 12I10. Royal Irish Academy, 164-68. Quoted in Guest, Edith M. "Ballyvourney and Its Sheela-na-gig." Folklore 48.4 (1937): 376.)