1Burl, Aubrey. The Stone Circles of the British Isles. New Haven: Yale UP, 1976. 84-85.

2Hutton, Ronald. The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1991. 74.

3"Athgreany Stone Circle." Irish Antiquities. Web. 09 Feb. 2011. <http://irishantiquities.bravehost.com/wicklow/athgreany/athgreany.html>.

4O'Flanagan, Michael. Letters Containing Information Relative to the Antiquities of the County of Wicklow. Vol. V. Bray, 1927. 114, 350.

5Menefee, S.P. "The 'Merry Maidens' and the 'Noce De Pierre'" Folklore 85.1 (Spring, 1974): 38.

6Menefee 34-39.

7"Athgreany Stone Circle." Megalithic Ireland. Web. 8 Feb. 2011. <http://www.megalithicireland.com/Athgreany%20Stone%20Circle.html>.

8Menefee 27-28.

9Menefee 28-30.

10Kinahan, G.H. "Legends about Stone Circles, Etc." Folklore Journal V (1882): 168-69.

11O'Clery, Helen. Athgreany Stone Circle: the Stones of Time. New York: A. H. Morrison, 1990. 112.

12Fitzgerald, Lord Walter. "Pagan Antiquities near Ballymore Eustace." Journal of the County Kildare Archeological Society, 3 (1899-1902): 357.