7Fleure, H.J. "Archaeology and Folk Tradition." Proceedings of the British Academy 17 (1931): 380.
The author asserts that "the Spanish-Irish connection is indisputable."
According to Gerard Murphy, "'In the seventh, eighth and following centuries, Irish men of learning constructed a history of Ireland on the model of biblical history and the history of Greece and Rome. Having little to guide them except stories, and a number of genealogies which traced the origin of important families to pagan gods, they altered these traditions, producing what John MacNeill used to call 'Irish synthetic history; an account of Irish origins going back to the time of Adam. In this synthetic history a place was ultimately found for Fionn, and, at least from the eleventh century, Irish men of learning were unanimous in holding that Fionn mac Cumhaill was captain of King Cormac's professional soldiery in the early third century of the Christian era." (Murphy, Gerard. The Ossianic Lore and Romantic Tales of Medieval Ireland. Dublin: At the Three Candles, 1961. 7.)